Here We Go Again

Hey friends! 

I can’t believe it’s already Thursday again. I guess my parents were right when they said the older you get, the faster time flies. 

I posted seven things I was grateful for last week and got a pretty great response from it. 

So many of y’all reached out and told me that you were going to start making a list of what you’re grateful for, too! 


Let’s do this again!

Week two. 

Ready, set, GO! 


My small group this semester is focused around bible journaling. Which if you didn’t know, is one of my favorite things to do. 

I volunteered to share a quick word with my group this week. I chose to read one of my old blogs. 

I know, not super original. 

And I know I’m the author…but that blog spoke to me when I wrote it and it still speaks to me now.  

It’s all about putting on the new self. And how sometimes being a Christian is just plain hard. 

If you haven’t read it, you can check it out here

After I read it, one of the girls in my group spoke up. She said she almost didn’t come. She was running late and seriously considered turning around. 

But she came. 

And she said that my message was exactly what she needed to hear. 

How cool is that? 

That I chose to share a random blog I had written months ago.

And that it was just what she needed.

Isn’t that awesome? 

How God weaves all of our stories together so perfectly and uses us when we least expect it? 

If that’s not Gods perfect plan in motion then I don’t know what is. 


I watched a message from Church of The Highlands during one of my morning workouts this week. My sister attends there and she told me to check out and I’m so glad that I did! 

The message was about forgiving people. And the pastor told a story of forgiveness that really put some things into perspective for me. 

If you’re struggling with forgiving someone then this message is for you! 

You can watch it HERE.


I love having blogger friends. And this blogger friend of mine really hit a home run this week. 

It was a seriously good.

Like gives you chills from head to toe kinda good. 

I really believe the Holy Spirit was speaking to me through her post. 

If you’ve ever been in a stormy season, as I’m sure everyone has, then you should definitely give it a read! 

You can find it right here!

Four and Five. 

One of the 6th graders in my bible study told me that she loved my blog. She said it was like picking up her favorite book and she couldn’t put it down. 

Isn’t that the sweetest?! 

I love this girl and I love her heart. 

She also told me that she used to hate going to church. But her family switched churches a couple months ago and now she loves her new church. Her face lit up with so much excitement when she was telling me about it! And lucky for me, I know exactly how she feels because it’s my church too! 

This one counts for two.

I’m so thankful for this girl. She’s different. And she has a special calling on her life. I can feel it. 

And I’m beyond grateful for my church. I never thought I’d have a real church family. And I never thought it could be this good. God, it’s so good. 

Life change happens in that place every. single. week.

For myself and so many others. 

And I praise God for that. 


I had a craft night with my best friend and oh my goodness we had the best time. It was a good escape from our usual busyness and overall it was a pretty low maintenance craft. 

AND I think it turned out so super cool. 

We’ve been eyeballing these yarn hangy things on Pinterest and we decided it was a DIY craft that we could probably tackle. And maybe I’m wrong….but look at these things?! 

I can’t stop looking! 

I think they look so hip and expensive!

AND they cost less than $20 to make!!

I mean what. a. DEAL. 

I hope everyone loves them because you’ll all be getting one for Christmas this year from yours truly. 


I sent cards to a couple of my closest friends this week. I’m a sucker for a good greeting card and these cards had me sobbing in the aisle. 

Tears of pure thankfulness. 

Thankful for friends that love me. 

Thankful for the friends God has chosen for me.

Just so thankful. 

It was my random act of kindness for the week and it felt good dropping those envelopes in the mail. 

And maybe it made them smile, too. 

Show your people some extra love this week. 

Whether it’s a hug or a sappy greeting card…

Just love them.

And love them well. 

Make this week count!

And as always…

Bless and be blessed, 

Mary Alan